Web Design is 95% Typography
Responsive web design offers us a way forward, finally allowing us to design for the ebb and flow of things. There are many variations of… Continue a ler »Web Design is 95% Typography
Graduanda em Letras Inglês/Literaturas na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Curadora de conteúdo no projeto de extensão Literatura Inglesa Brasil. Amante de Literatura Afro-Americana e Cultura Pop. Suas pesquisas estão entre os dois mundos. Pesquisadora de Zora Neale Hurston, buscando uma leitura mulherista em sua narrativa. E, recentemente, pesquisadora de canções narrativas presentes no álbum Harry's House (2022) de Harry Styles.
Responsive web design offers us a way forward, finally allowing us to design for the ebb and flow of things. There are many variations of… Continue a ler »Web Design is 95% Typography
Paper is where ideas begin. It’s the easiest and most beautiful way to create on the new iPad. Capture your ideas as sketches, diagrams, illustrations,… Continue a ler »Paper by FiftyThree
Responsive web design offers us a way forward, finally allowing us to design for the ebb and flow of things. There are many variations of… Continue a ler »Performance Optimization for Websites
I am having good time with my friends at Starbucks, classic!
[aside_content] Responsive web design offers us a way forward, finally allowing us to design for the ebb and flow of things. There are many variations… Continue a ler »Responsive Web Design Offers Us
[link_content] Smashing Magazine [/link_content] You should definetly visit this site, lots of useful stuff for web designers!